Join Cornichonchon, Tomato Cerise, Rig'Olive and Cacachouette in a game of madness! After the competition, they're all on the podium...
Check out the leaderboard!
On the 3 cards, look for the same character positionel on steps 1, 2 and 3 of the podiums. The fastest person wins cards; if you are wrong, you lose some. So pay attention… The aim is to get many cards as possible.

icon pour l'auteurJean-Jacques DERGHAZARIAN
icon pour l'illustrateurMarie COTTU

Pay attention and win as many cards as you can. So, who will be the fastest?

Box contents

72 cards

2 variations

Rules of the game

Have you lost the rules? Don’t panic, we have everything covered!
You can view the rules in a downloadable PDF format or watch a demo video!

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